Welcome to my blog. A place for me to post interesting things I would like to share.
An Ouranos Sky Chart is an image made from a composite of images taken every hour of the day of the sky. Ouranos (anglicized as Uranus) was the primordial god of the sky.
September 12th, 2020 | Comments | Share
Tags : raspberrypi weather
Someone asked on a local Facebook group where she could find a 2Gb USB stick for her sewing machine as the machine only recognises a max of 2Gb. I know it will be a battle to find something that small, but I thought this would be easy solve...
September 28th, 2018 | Comments | Share
Tags : sewingsoftware doscommands utilities
I bought the Catalex MicroSD Card Adaptor from Banggood. It was cheap and the price usually includes postage. I tried to connect it using the standard SD library. I just could not get it to work. This is how I finally got it working.
September 10th, 2017 | Comments | Share
Tags : arduino electronics
I received an OLED Screen in the mail that works with an Arduiono. When I wanted to connect it to the Arduino, I found it had different pin markings to the normal one usually sold. It turns out they are similar. After some trial and error i got the standard demo Hello World to work. This is how it is done!
October 7th, 2015 | Comments | Share
Tags : arduino electronics ssd1306
Steps to setup a Raspberry Pi to connect to the Internet and allow you to remotely connect to it.
August 14th, 2015 | Comments | Share
Tags : raspberrypi duckdns remote internetofthings
How to easily connect an Ardruino to the GSM network.
Sep 29th, 2013 | Comments | Share
Tags : arduino gsm electronics internetofthings solar